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WordPress Contributions

WordPress is a great tool I use on a daily base and since 2010 I contribute back to the core of WordPress. Since then I helped out on 24 versions with 111 contributions in total.

24 Versions

111 Contributions

70 Events visited

39 Presentations


I've been speaking at small and large events and it's something I'm passionated to do. I enjoy sharing the knowledge I have to others with the goal to inspire them.

I currently spoke at 39 events which are mostly focussed on WordPress.

Marko speaking at a WordCamp

GlotPress Contributions

GlotPress is a collaborative, web-based software translation tool. It has been used on since 2009. It was developed by Nikolay Bachiyski and I toke the lead over in 2013. I wanted to help out translators and validator to make their job easier.

In the period I was lead I was able to make 233 changes in a period of 32 months. Lots of improvements were made and people got interested in the project again. Due to circumstances I stopped in the end of 2015.

233 Contributions

32 Months lead

20+ Total contributors