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Sharing that you contributed to WordPress

This weekend I looked at WP Core Contributions Widget from Eric Mann. I wanted to fix that it didn’t always show the ticket number. It’s an awesome plugin that shows what you contributed back to WordPress. As mentioned in one of my previous post I want to highlight my contributions more and I already use this plugin. But the widgets added by this plugin and by my own one (WordPress plugins, GitHub gists) are only small widgets in the footer. So I thought it was time to build a new plugin that has all of the current features with much more.

WP Contributions

The current setup is heavily based on the plugin from Eric and I merged my code into that. Currently I only added my GitHub code to this plugin. You now have two new widgets for your gists and repositories. I also included a oEmbed handler for showing your gists. Something that I needed for You can check the code on GitHub.

In the next days I will integrate the rest of my code to show your themes and plugins. Currently those are only widgets but I will add a few shortcodes so you can show off your plugins/themes in your posts. I will check if I can load the themes/plugins image nicely in there.

Other WordPress features

Other functionality I want to add is showing things like to which WordPress versions you contributed, which languages did you translate for and your latest translations. Specially showing to which versions you contributed at can be really meaningful. Other things I could think of is showing the latest reviews of your plugins or your latest responses on the forum. The issue here is where you can get the data from.

Currently I’m working on a new site based on WP Stats that collects some data from For now it only logs the downloads and the version stats of I will expand this a bit so I can generate the information that I need like to which WordPress versions you contributed. The whole idea of this site is to show how WordPress involved and who is involved into what. I will publish a post about the site soon when the site will finally launch.


I do know a lot of people are also on StackExchange. I’m not sure what kind of stats I can retrieve from there but it would be cool to add a widget it. Maybe sharing your latest questions and responses. Or your reputation score but that is something I will not use directly.


I’m really curious what features you would love to see. Maybe I missed a platform that you really would love to get integrated. You can leave a comment or you can create a new issue on GitHub.

One Reply to “Sharing that you contributed to WordPress”

  1. Sarah Gooding -

    Looking forward to seeing how WP Stats develops. Please tweet all your updates 🙂


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