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My life as a freelancer

Currently the way I do business is by definition weird. I love to contribute back to the community and this year I most likely spent more time doing that then paid work. I think my regular week would be working 10 hours for clients. 15 hours one open source and the rest working on my own projects. That excludes the part that I do travel a lot. Like every two months and regular even more.

This does make you think about how the next years will look like. I’m busy starting a new business with the goal to build a team and start a “real” company. But there is always the though about working for automattic, a VIP company or just a great WordPress company.

But the question then is if I will fit in that kind of job. It would be sad to quite my job again after a few months. That already happened twice before. It wasn’t that I didn’t like the colleagues but the way the do business. That is something what is really important to me. Even when in just an employee.

But if I start my own business that would mean I will be the boss.L and I’m responsible that the company does make money to pay “my employees”. And even when I manage that, what kind of boss would I by. I can see myself being something like Steve jobs. Pushing everyone to be better then their limits. But still having company retreats to relax. He wasn’t like by everyone but then again no one is.

For me the most important thing is to work with friends and that everyone has the same amount of responsibility. After that is making awesome projects and be able to share that with everyone.

But in the end it’s all about being happy with what you do and most of the time I’m. I see a lot of places all over the world, help people who need help and work for clients that I can trust and work on WordPress core and be a part of a great time.

The plan for now is to rearrange my blog, spent more time to WP unknown and doing volunteer work.

1 Reply to “My life as a freelancer”

  1. Mario Peshev -

    The first time I got a job after few years “on my own” was when I had to cover a higher salary for my employee. Funny thing but true. 🙂

    I see where you are coming from though, and sharing the same lifestyle or targets I don’t think that working for someone would help you with anything other than working in a team and sharing some project topics on a daily basis. This could work just fine if you work with other consultants/developers on the same project without being employed.


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